Roller Crusher

WEBBER INDIA a supplier of roller crusher for crushing clinker since 2010


WEBBER INDIA has been supplying the roller crusher for crushing clinker since 2010. The rollers rotate at a significantly slower speed < 10 rpm and crush the coarse fraction with less dust generation.

The hydraulic drive, which was used until around the year 2000, is nowadays mostly replaced by an electromechanical drive or can also be retrofitted.

To achieve higher capacities, the width of the crusher and the amount of rollers can be increased.

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The main features of the Roll Crusher are:

  • Large pieces of clinker cannot jam the crusher.
  • Reduced wear and dust generation due to low roller speeds.
  • Electrical drive with low power consumption.
  • Uniform size distribution of the crushed clinker.
  • The crusher is mounted on rails for easy maintenance.
  • Hard-faced crushing ring teeth for long service life and easy re-facing.

WEBBER INDIA crushing rings can be extremely extended by suitable maintenance measures